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June 2024

June 2024

Nelson Hospital Redevelopment masterplan soon to be released

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora is soon to release the masterplan for Project Whakatupuranga – the Nelson Hospital Redevelopment. This plan will show Health New Zealand's commitment to delivering state-of-the-art healthcare infrastructure for the Nelson community.

After receiving $73 million in funding in 2023 for the detailed business case and initial enabling works, the hospital project team has been drawing on experiences from previous new builds across the country. Delays in larger, single builds have been challenging because of the scale and finding contractor capacity to do the work. This has led to a staged approach to the building being considered. More detail will be outlined in the masterplan, due to be released in the third quarter of this year.

"Following a staged approach allows the benefits to the areas in greatest need to happen sooner," said Lexie O’Shea – Group Director of Operations at Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora. “Staged building will allow parts of the project to be completed sooner because of better collaboration with the construction industry, which will match its capacity and allow risk mitigation, as well as more certain delivery times.”

The masterplan is driven from population and health need modelling projections. These are currently being finalised to ensure the hospital capacity and capability is futureproofed and reflects the contemporary models of care the region needs. 

In tandem with the redevelopment efforts, Health NZ has commenced earthquake strengthening works on the George Manson building at the Nelson Hospital. These essential works, due for completion by 2025, are part of broader work to increase the safety and resilience of hospital infrastructure to comply with Earthquake Prone Building (EPB) notices.

This is the first stage of a programme of earthquake strengthening works in the George Manson and Percy Brunette buildings. Bringing these buildings up to standard is a crucial first step for the Nelson Hospital Redevelopment.

We would like to reassure staff and patients that both the George Manson and Percy Brunette buildings are safe to occupy and that health services will only be minimally impacted while this work is underway.

We are taking every possible step to reduce the noise and disruption to staff, patients and whānau, and we thank everyone in advance for their patience while we carry out these strengthening works.

About Project Whakatupuranga

Nelson Hospital is the largest of two secondary hospitals in the Nelson Marlborough region, providing healthcare services to a growing and aging population.

The Project Whakatupuranga – Nelson Hospital redevelopment will provide the community with upgraded facilities with better access to contemporary models of healthcare for the changing population.

The redevelopment design will incorporate technology and processes to enhance the experience for patients, their whānau and staff, and benefit people across the Te Tau Ihu, Top of the South for years to come.

The Nelson Hospital Redevelopment received $73 million in funding in 2023 to maintain momentum and get design and enabling works underway. This is the first stage in a multi-phase programme, to be carried out over 10 years.

In tandem with the redevelopment efforts, Health NZ has commenced earthquake strengthening works on the George Manson building at Nelson Hospital. These essential works, due for completion by 2025, are part of broader work to increase the safety and resilience of hospital infrastructure to comply with Earthquake Prone Building (EPB) notices.

More detail on the redevelopment, including a new, staged approach will be outlined in the masterplan, due to be released in the third quarter of this year.

A phased approach

Due to the large scale and scope of the redevelopment, a phased approach will be taken with clinical and building needs prioritised to inform the phasing and order of the redevelopment

  • Phase 1: Design to complete the campus masterplan and develop a detailed business case which will define the remaining stages. Once the bulk and location for the campus is confirmed enabling works will progress to prepare the site and infrastructure where possible.
  • Phase 2: Final design stages and construction of new facilities. Seismic strengthening and refurbishment of some of the existing facilities will also be prioritised.
  • Phases 3 to 6: Refurbishment and re-purposing of existing buildings.

Estimated timeline

  1. Step ✔: Late 2025

    Detailed Business Case 

  2. Step ✔: Construction begins

  3. Step ✔: 2031

    New facilities operational

  4. Step ✔: 2032 to 2033

    Completion of refurbishment of other buildings


These documents outline Cabinet decisions on the Programme Business Case for the Nelson Hospital redevelopment – Project Whakatupuranga.

Cabinet approved Option One of the Programme Business Case at an estimated cost of $1.098 billion, commencement of the design and enabling works for Phase One, and the Detailed Business Case (DBC) for Phase Two.

The Detailed Business Case for Phase Two is expected at the end of 2025.

Some material has been withheld under section 9(2)(i) Official Information Act (1982), to enable commercial activities to be carried out without prejudice or disadvantage.

Download: Cabinet Material: Nelson Hospital Redevelopment - PDF, 2 MB

Publication Date: 09 August 2023

Follow the links below for more relevant information about the redevelopment of Nelson Hospital


Cabinet Material: Nelson Hospital Redevelopment | Ministry of Health NZ