About the health targets

In March 2024 the Government announced health targets for cancer treatment, childhood immunisation, emergency departments and wait times for first specialist assessments and elective treatment.

These targets will support the delivery of better health outcomes for New Zealanders and improve the performance of our health services throughout the country.

The Government plans to publish results quarterly beginning with Quarter One 2024/25. Having targets with regular reporting will help identify where there are problems which can be targeted for improvement.

The health targets replace the Health System Indicators.

Faster cancer treatment

90% of patients to receive cancer management within 31 days of the decision to treat.

Improved immunisation for children

95% of children fully immunised at 24 months of age.

Shorter stays in emergency departments

95% of patients to be admitted, discharged or transferred from an emergency department within six hours.

Shorter wait times for first specialist assessment

95% of patients wait less than four months for a first specialist assessment.

Shorter wait times for elective treatment

95% of patients wait less than four months for elective treatment.


More information

Health targets - Ministry of Health

Government Policy Statement on Health 2024-27 - Minister of Health

Government targets - Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

Achieving the health targets – High level implementation plans 

The high-level implementation plans set out the actions required to achieve the health targets by 2030.

The targets are ambitious and will take time to achieve. The high-level implementation plans set out how Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora plans to make demonstrable progress in the short and medium term to drive improved performance and deliver timely access to quality healthcare. These plans were developed by Health NZ staff across the organisation.

From December, Health NZ will publish health target results every quarter, to ensure every New Zealander has access to information on how their health system is performing.

Health Targets Implementation Plans


More information

Health targets: High level implementation plans published - Health NZ

About the mental health and addiction targets

The Government Policy Statement on Health identifies five specific targets related to mental health and addiction.

Faster access to specialist mental health and addiction services

80% of people accessing specialist mental health and addiction services are seen within three weeks.

Faster access to primary mental health and addiction services

80% of people accessing primary mental health and addiction services through the Access and Choice programme are seen within one week.

Shorter mental health and addiction-related stays in emergency departments

95% of mental health and addiction related emergency department presentations are admitted, discharged, or transferred from an emergency department within six hours.

Increased mental health and addiction workforce development

Train 500 mental health and addiction professionals each year.

Strengthened focus on prevention and early intervention

25% of mental health and addiction investment is allocated towards prevention and early intervention.


More information

Mental health and addiction targets - Ministry of Health

Government Policy Statement on Health 2024-27 - Minister of Health