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About NGOs
Non-governmental organisations have a long, well established record of contribution to New Zealand’s health and disability service delivery.
Health and Disability NGOs include a wide range of organisations that provide flexible, responsive and innovative frontline service delivery.
Diverse services are offered in primary care, mental health, personal health, and disability support services, and include kaupapa services such as Māori and Pacific providers.
The Ministry of Health and NGOs from the health and disability sector have a formalised relationship outlined in the Framework for Relations between the Ministry of Health and Health and Disability Non-governmental Organisations.
This framework is built on the Kia Tūtahi Relationship Accord signed by the government and community members in 2011.
Health and Disability NGO Network and Council
Membership of the Health and Disability NGO Network is free and open to any not-for-profit New Zealand health or disability provider that receives Vote Health funding. The Network is focused on sharing information, communication, capability/capacity building and consultation.
The Health and Disability NGO Council is made up of 13 elected representatives from the wider Health and Disability NGO Network. It aims to build a strong, respectful, innovative and proactive relationship between the Ministry and NGOs, including Māori and Pacific NGOs.
A Health and Disability NGO Forum is hosted annually by the Ministry and the NGO Council. The Forums are an opportunity for NGOs to discuss key issues and to share these with the Ministry and other stakeholders.