Te Aka Whai Ora celebrates the appointment by Te Whiri Kaha Executive Committee of co-chairs, Renata Watene and Hone Te Rire. 

Renata Watene, Ngā Puhi, Tainui, serves as the Kaiāwhina and Professional Teaching Fellow with the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, School of Optometry and Vision Sciences at Auckland University.  She also holds positions as the Chair of the Indigenous Strategy Task Force at the Optometry Council of Australia and New Zealand and the Vice President of the New Zealand Association of Optometrists.  Additionally, she is undertaking a PhD while maintaining a clinical role as a senior optometrist in her Auckland-based optometry business.

“The need for a wide range of Māori health sector specialists, including kaumatua, kuia and whānau voice, ensures the kaupapa of partnership is reflected in the kōrero and all health decisions that will affect Māori”, says Renata Watene.

Rev. Hone Te Rire, Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau is a researcher and Te Reo Māori expert and respected iwi Māori leader. Hone is a member of Te Moana a Toi iwi Māori partnership board and Te Kohanga Reo National Trust, he also serves Te Whiri Kaha as kaumātua. 

Te Aka Whai ora Chief Medical Officer, Dr Rawiri Jansen, says the appointment of the chairs is an exciting time for the hauora Māori sector. 

“We took an interdisciplinary approach with Te Whiri Kaha, the goal is to maintain a strategic overview with provision of clinical advice from the advisory senate. Renata and Hone bring a wealth of experience to the leadership of this rōpū”. 

Co-chair Renata Watene says the development of Te Whiri Kaha was influenced by the need for a wide range of Māori health sector specialists. 

“The need for a wide range of Māori health sector specialists ensures the kaupapa of partnership is reflected in the kōrero and all health decisions that will affect Māori”, says Renata Watene. 

Hone Te Ririe says he’s excited to work alongside such an esteemed group of health professionals. “I look forward to serving as co-chair and supporting the rōpu as Te Whiri Kaha Kaumatua.” says Hone Te Ririe. 

Te Whiri Kaha Executive Committee:

Renata Watene (co-chair)
Hone Te Rire (co-chair) 

Dr Wiremu Reihana - Ngāti Porou - Dentistry, Director, Whare Tū, Whare OraToni-Melanie Wi - Te Aupouri, Ngati Kuri, Ngāi Takato, Ngāti Kahu, Te Rarawa me Ngāpuhi - Clinical Nurse Lead
Tamar Courtney - Ngati Ranginui, Ngati Maniapoto - Clinical Nurse Lead 
Teresa Foster - Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Te Ātiawa Nui Tonu, Ngāti Mutunga o Wharekauri - Rongoa wairua practitioner 
Kendall Stevenson - Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Kurī, Ngā Puhi - Research Fellow
Kera Baker - Rapuwai, Waitaha, Kāti Mamoe, Kāti Huirapa,  Kāi Tahu, Ngāi Tūhoe - Senior Advisor, Whānau Voice
Renee Noble - Ngaati Maniapoto, Ngaati Apakura, Ngaati Raarua - Clinical Lead Rapuora Nursing

Membership covers three categories to ensure that all areas of the sector are represented:•    Five non-regulated kaimahi for example Kaiāwhina and Ronga practitioners. 
•    35 front-line clinicians from across all disciplines including junior, new entrants and emerging leaders and 
•    10 administrators, leaders, researchers, clinical management, Kaumātua/Kuia, tangata whaikaha, rangatahi and whānau advocates

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