Terms of reference

Strategic context

Strategic context

The requirement for Health Sector Architecture extends the Government Enterprise Architecture for New Zealand and frames an information and communications technology (ICT) architecture for delivery of the NZ Health Strategy.

The primary goal of the Health Sector Architecture is the implementation of a safe, shared and transferable patient electronic health record for the New Zealand health sector, using a distributed approach based on interoperability standards set by the Health Information Standards Organisation (HISO).

Enterprise architecture

Enterprise architecture

Enterprise architecture is the methodology used to align ICT solutions with business and information requirements.

Enterprise architecture provides tools and methodologies that model business information requirements with the underlying technological and information components that exist within an ICT environment. Such an architecture model guides the selection, creation and implementation of information technology solutions, and provides a roadmap and transition path to the target state.

Enterprise architecture also streamlines design and maximises opportunities for re-use and standardisation of components. This results in better operational efficiencies and effectiveness in the long term.

Lifecycle view

Lifecycle view

The  Life Cycle View high-level generic lifecycle process illustrates where enterprise architecture fits.

The lifecycle is broken up into three phases – architecture, investment and implementation.

Architecture is the primary domain for the Health Sector Architecture. The work done in this phase will have implications for the design of national, regional and local systems.

Investment is informed by the Health Sector Architecture. The sector ICT strategy and regional IT plans will determine the priorities for investment and hence what architectural components need to be prioritised and developed.

Implementation is executed at a local, regional or national level. This involves the actual delivery of initiatives and projects and will be led by programme or project teams.

Document purpose

Document purpose

This document is a terms of reference for how the Health Sector Architecture will be governed to ensure it is applied consistently, continues to evolve to meet sector and participating organisation’s needs, and demonstrably contributes to sector outcomes in support of the sector ICT strategy and Digital Health 2020



The term Health Sector Architecture refers to the enterprise architecture framework and architectural artefacts (for example, reference architectures) agreed by the Health Sector Architects Group and endorsed through the Health Sector Architecture Governance Group and the Ministry of Health.

It refers to the online website containing the Health Sector Architecture and other architecture tools and content (for example, solution architectures) that support collaboration and reuse. All participating organisations have access to the workspace.

The term Health Sector Architecture Governance refers to the structures (section 5), principles (section 4) and processes (section 6) through which Health Sector Architecture will be governed.

The term Health Sector Architects Group refers to the group of IT solutions experts and architects drawn from all parts of the public and private health sector including Ministry, DHBs and primary/community care and vendors.

Health Sector Architecture principles

Health Sector Architecture principles

A number of principles have been defined to ensure that a robust and effective Health Sector Architecture is developed and maintained and is accessible to the sector. These principles are:

  • Access to the Health Sector Architecture is available to all participating organisations
  • The Health Sector Architecture will be governed by the Health Sector Architecture Governance Group (see Section 5 for further details) and any major changes to the methodology and high level domains will be agreed through this group
  • To ensure a free flow of information, participating organisations agree that all architecture content developed using the Health Sector Architecture will be shared with other participants via the Health Sector Architecture Workspace
  • Participating organisations must only use the Health Sector Architecture for internal business and technology purposes. Any use by third parties must be appropriate and authorised by the Health Sector Architecture Governance Group
  • The cost of managing, administering and supporting the Health Sector Architecture at a national level will be funded jointly by the Ministry of Health and DHBs. Funding for specific activity will be tied to key projects and will be considered on a project-by-project basis by the Health Sector Architecture Governance Group.

Sector relationships

Sector relationships

Based on the sector ICT strategy, Digital Health 2020 and the direction provided by the NZ Health Strategy, the Health Sector Architecture Governance Group will define and agree the priorities to be developed by the Health Sector Architects Group.

The Health Sector Architecture Governance Group is responsible for the overall governance of the Health Sector Architecture. This group oversees the ongoing development of the Health Sector Architecture and manages related change. The terms of reference for this group is contained in section 5.2 of this document.

The Health Sector Architects Group provides the operational oversight and review of the Health Sector Architecture and is responsible for its development and ongoing maintenance. The terms of reference for this group is contained in section 5.3 of this document.

Technical working groups are formed on a case-by-case basis by the Health Sector Architects Group and HISO to provide a specialist focus on a particular domain area or to progress a specific technology initiative or innovation.

Health Sector Architecture Governance Group Terms of Reference

Health Sector Architecture Governance Group Terms of Reference


To support the delivery of the sector ICT strategy and Digital Health 2020, the Health Sector Architects Group Board will work with the sector to develop a common architecture for national and regional information systems and infrastructure.


The Health IT Forum provides leadership in the promotion of the Health Sector Architecture. The group provides overall governance of the Health Sector Architecture and oversees its ongoing development, manages related change and co-ordinates priorities.


The group will apply and uphold the Health Sector Architecture Principles outlined in section 4 of this document.


The group is responsible for the following high-level objectives:

  1. Provide leadership in the promotion of the Health Sector Architecture and its role in informing and supporting implementation of the sector ICT strategy and Digital Health 2020.
  2. Ensure a Health Sector Architecture is built using methodologies and frameworks that enable the delivery of the Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF).
  3. Prioritise the work of the Health Sector Architects Group.
  4. Provide an escalation point for issues that cannot be resolved by the Health Sector Architects Group.
  5. Engage with sector groups as appropriate to support the development of a Health Sector Architecture.
  6. Review any proposed changes to the Health Sector Architecture from the Health Sector Architects Group and make recommendations to the Chief Technology and Digital Service Officer.
  7. Resolve architecture disputes, eg, between customers and vendors.


This group is accountable for the governance and oversight of the Health Sector Architecture.

The Group reports to the Chief Technology and Digital Service Officer.

Measures of success

The following measures of success will be used:

  • % of domain reference architectures published on the workspace
  • % of sector solution architectures for national priorities published on the workspace
  • % of published solution architectures aligned with the Health Sector Architecture
  • % of HISO standards supported by the Sector Architects group.

It is noted that the reporting against these measures of success will be developed over time.
This Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually.

Health Sector Architects Group Terms of Reference

Health Sector Architects Group Terms of Reference


The Health Sector Architects Group is responsible for the development, promotion and ongoing maintenance of the Health Sector Architecture.


The group will apply and uphold the principles outlined above.


The group is responsible for the following high level objectives:

  1. Provide leadership in promoting the Health Sector Architecture and its role in informing and supporting implementation of the sector ICT strategy and Digital Health 2020
  2. Build a Health Sector Architecture through the use of TOGAF methodologies and frameworks
  3. Support technical working groups to develop components of the Health Sector Architecture
  4. Follow priorities set by the Health Sector Architecture governance group and escalate issues to the governance group that cannot be otherwise resolved
  5. Review and propose changes to the Health Sector Architecture to ensure a whole-of-sector view
  6. Pro-actively identify and explore issues and challenges to be resolved, drivers and opportunities for positive change, and opportunities for sector co-operation.


Membership to the Group is open to any representatives nominated by the CIO (or equivalent) of any of the participating organisations.

The Group will adopt a nominated chair person to be reviewed on a 12 monthly cycle. The Health Sector Architecture Governance Group will resolve any issues around the Chair or membership.


This group is accountable for the development and maintenance of the Health Sector Architecture.

Members will be accountable for following TOGAF principles and will sign an agreement or code of conduct to show their commitment to membership responsibilities.

The group reports to the Health Sector Architecture governance group on a monthly basis.

Measures of success

The following measures of success will be used:

  • % of domain reference architectures published on the workspace
  • % of sector solution architectures for national priorities published on the workspace
  • % of published solution architectures aligned with the Health Sector Architecture
  • % of HISO standards supported by the Sector Architects Group.

It is noted that the reporting against these measures of success will be developed over time.


The Group will meet quarterly face to face and more frequently as required (using e-mail, videoconferencing, teleconferencing and online collaboration) depending on the decisions needed and the status of work in progress.

Fifty percent of the Group members are required to be in attendance either in person or via tele or video link in order to make decisions.

Decisions will be based on a simple count of votes. All decisions will be recorded in a decision register which will be made available to all participants.

Meeting agendas will be published five working days in advance of each meeting. Meeting minutes will be published, available to all participants, no more than seven working days following the meeting.

Members are expected to bear the total costs associated with attendance.


This terms of reference will be reviewed annually.

Change process

Change process

Changes to the Health Sector Architecture will be endorsed by the Health Sector Architects Group. Changes to the enterprise architecture methodology, high level domains or approach will be endorsed by the Health Sector Architecture governance group.

Note that changes to the architecture content for an individual organisation are not subject to this process.

The process ensures that changes which need wider consultation and socialisation are visible to all without ‘swamping’ all participants with decisions which are not directly related to them.

Change process


Note: Review by Health Sector Architecture Governance Group is only required for major changes to subject areas or methodology.