
The Cyber Security Uplift programme at Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora is undertaking a survey to find out what kaimahi at Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora think, feel, and do when it comes to cyber security.

This privacy statement outlines how Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora may collect, use, store and share your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020 when you complete the survey.

Who is doing the survey?

Ipsos, an independent research agency, is conducting this survey for us.

In accordance with the Privacy Act 2020, all information we collect through the survey is held and controlled by us.

Ipsos store and process the information on our behalf.

Find out more about Ipsos Privacy & Data Protection.

What personal information we collect

We may collect the following information from you when you submit the survey:


  • Which agency you work for (Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora)
  • Your role
  • How long you have worked in the health sector
  • Which District you live in
  • Which age group you belong to
  • Your gender
  • Which ethnic group you belong to


All information collected through the survey is collated by Ipsos and conveyed to us in an aggregated and de-identified form. Reports are not created for any group less than n = 30.

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora will not see any individual survey responses. We cannot trace the information you provide in the survey back to you. We do not try to identify any individual from the reports.


This survey is voluntary.

How we use the personal information

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora will use the aggregated and anonymised reports to:

  • Create cyber security awareness and education materials
  • Develop key messages that resonate with our kaimahi to be cyber safe
  • Create a baseline that we can use to compare any behaviour / attitude changes in the future
  • Information may also be used for statistical analysis and research purposes.

Sharing the information

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora will share the aggregated and anonymised reports with Te Aka Whai Ora as it applies to the cyber security awareness and maturity of their kaimahi.

How long we keep the information for

Individual survey responses are kept for a period of 12 months and then disposed of securely. Aggregated and anonymised reports are only kept for as long as required for the purposes outlined above.

Queries or concerns

If you have any queries or concerns about how your survey responses are managed, please email