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Home, Health New Zealand.
Te Whatu Ora
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Corporate information
Health services and programmes
For health professionals
For health providers
For New Zealanders
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Cyber security training
Waharua Kōpito
For health professionals
Data and statistics
Older people's health data and statistics
Older people's health data and statistics
Statistical publications and data sets on older people’s health.
Whatu Tāniko
DHB spending on services for older people
Find out more information about DHB spending on services for older people.
Health behaviours in older people
Health behaviours include eating healthy food, not drinking alcohol or only drinking at low-risk levels, and doing regular physical activity.
Health conditions in older people
Some health conditions are much more common in older people. For many of these health conditions, Māori have higher rates.
Health of older people workforce
Find out about the current support worker workforce working with older people.
Our changing population
New Zealanders are living longer, and our older population is growing faster than our younger population.
Use of health services by older people
What health services do older people access
Also in this section
NZ health data and statistics
Tier 1 Health Statistics Release Calendar
Breast screening data and statistics
Cancer data and statistics
Cervical screening data and statistics
COVID-19 data and statistics
Diabetes data and statistics
Fetal and infant death data and statistics
Hospital event data and statistics
Immunisation data and statistics
Maternity data and statistics
Mental health and addiction data and statistics
Mortality data and statistics
Older people's health data and statistics
Oral health data and statistics
Pharmaceutical data and statistics
Primary Care data and statistics
Suicide data and statistics