About these statistics

Suicide mortality information presented in this publication is provisional and so differs slightly from the final data in the corresponding Mortality and demographic data publication.

Admissions to hospital for intentional self-harm are sourced from the New Zealand National Minimum Dataset

To access historical publications in this series please search the Ministry of Health’s online library catalogue.

For further information please contact: data-enquiries@health.govt.nz.

Suicide web tool

The Suicide web tool presents data on confirmed suicides reported by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora, as well as data on suspected intentionally self-inflicted deaths reported by the Chief Coroner. Numbers and rates of suicide deaths are presented by year, ethnicity, sex, age group and district health board of residence of the deceased.

Access the suicide web tool here.


20-year data tables

20-year data tables

Suicide data 2014-2018

Suicide data 2014-2018

Suicide data 2009-2013

Suicide data 2009-2013

Suicide data 2005-2008

Suicide data 2005-2008