New Cancer registration 2019

New Cancer registration 2019

These annually published interactive tables and graphs provide high level data on cancer registration in 2019. They include information about the most common cancers registered and breakdowns by common demographic variables. The data provided in multiple formats.

Number of new cancer registrations, 2019

   Total Male Female
 Maori 2,956 1,385 1,571
 Non-Maori 23,449 12,636  10,813
 Total 26,405 14,021 12,384

Rates of new cancer registrations, 2019

   Total Male Female
Maori 405.7 413.4 403.2
Non-Maori  332.4 361.0 308.6
Total 340.2 366.4 318.8

*Note: rates per 100,000 age standardised to WHO World Standard Population.

The data is provided in multiple formats.

About the tables

Interactive tables: These provide the latest cancer registration data for New Zealand. When you choose cancers of interest from a list, the data and graphs automatically update based on your choice.

  • A summary of the 10 most common cancers for males and females for 2019
  • Ten most common cancer registrations for 2019 by all ethnicities, Maori and non-Maori and by sex. Data is included for years 2010-2019.
  • Numbers of cancer registrations for individual cancers for 2019, by sex, ethnic group, life-stage age group, deprivation quintile, district health board and region and regional cancer network

Data tables: Zip file package containing text files of the underlying data used in the interactive tables and a data dictionary

Please note: The number of new cancers reflects the number of primary tumour rather than the number of individuals with cancer. Multiple cancers with the same site and same morphological group are excluded.

These tables form part of the Cancer new registrations and death series.
