The New Zealand Coding Authority (NZCA) is a group of clinical coding experts who collaboratively and co-operatively resolve clinical coding queries and related issues on behalf of the New Zealand clinical coding sector. This promotes the collection of consistent, complete and accurate coded data in New Zealand.

Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference

Responsibilities of NZCA

NZCA will undertake the following activities in order to achieve its purpose:

  1. Collaboratively resolve coding queries and provide clarification on coding standards and directives
  2. Ensure that ICD-10-AM and ACHI standards of definition and conventions are maintained during the resolution process
  3. Engage in open discussion and information sharing within the members’ respective organisations to assist in the query resolution process
  4. Evaluate the impact of the query resolution on morbidity data collection
  5. Review coding query resolutions prior to distribution and publication on the Ministry’s Classification and Terminology website
  6. Review and provide feedback on published Coding Rules, classification proposals and any other clinical coding discussion documents
  7. Undertake a full review of published NZCA coding queries/responses as required
  8. Advise the Senior Analyst, Classification and Terminology on the development of new procedures, clinical trials, potential anomalies in the classification (ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS), New Zealand WIES and the Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs)
  9. Advise the Senior Analyst, Classification and Terminology on any other issues related to clinical coding using ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS, New Zealand WIES methodology and Diagnosis Related Groups.

Responsibilities of Members

It is the responsibility of NZCA members to:

  • Meet the member requirements as detailed in the Terms of Reference
  • Communicate NZCA deliberations with their respective coding team/region or other appropriate person/s
  • Review NZCA documents and provide timely feedback to the Chairperson both prior to and outside of meetings
  • Attend meetings, or where it is not possible send an apology to Chairperson no later than one day prior to the scheduled meeting
  • Where the member is unable to attend a meeting, they are still to review documents and provide feedback.

Before the meeting:

  1. Collate and send coding queries/topics for discussion as they arise to Chairperson
  2. Investigate and research each topic for discussion prior to each meeting
  3. Consult with clinicians and/or subject matter experts as required
  4. Receive, filter and provide feedback from their coding team/region
  5. Provide feedback to Chairperson within specified deadlines
  6. Confirm meeting attendance
  7. Seek approval form Chairperson for an observer to attend a meeting.

During the meeting:

  1. Represent their coding team/region
  2. Actively participate in discussions and resolution process.

After meeting:

  1. Review and confirm coding queries/responses for distribution
  2. Provide feedback to Chairperson within specified deadlines
  3. Complete action points arising from meetings within specified deadlines.

Meeting Schedule

Meeting Schedule

NZCA meetings will be scheduled every two months depending on the number of queries/topics on the agenda at any given time.  Meetings will be held by either Microsoft Teams, Zoom or teleconference with face to face meetings arranged as required. Additional meetings may be required to discuss IHACPA Coding Rules. The required quorum for the meetings will be half the members plus one. 

The meeting schedule for the next 12 months (1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024) is:

  1. Thursday 3 August 2023
  2. Thursday 14 September 2023
  3. Thursday 9 November 2023
  4. Tuesday 12 December 2023
  5. Thursday 14 March 2024
  6. Thursday 9 May 2024
  7. Thursday 20 June 2024.

The meeting schedule is subject to change depending on member and Chairperson availability. 

Additional ad hoc meetings may also be called by the Chairperson on an as required basis. 

To contact the NZCA Chairperson email

Submitting a Coding Query

Submitting a Coding Query

Clinical coding queries can be submitted to NZCA for discussion.

Before submitting a coding query:

  1. Refer to the Australian Coding Standards (ACS), published Coding Rules, FAQs, Q&As and New Zealand Clinical Coding Conventions for advice and direction
  2. Review ICD-10-AM/ACHI Tabular List and Alphabetical Index for instructions
  3. Consult with clinicians, clinical coders and other stakeholders
  4. Check the NZCA coding queries for any similar or related queries.

Ensure the coding query is clear and supported with background information.

Submit a coding query to