

Intuto is an online learning platform developed by Whānau Āwhina Plunket developed to support WCTO nurses in their mahi prior to undertaking the Postgraduate Certificate in Primary Health Care and while on the programme.


Each course is called a ‘collection’ and is made up of there parts. As you complete each ‘collection’, in the correct order (introduction, presentation and feedback), you will gain a printable. Courses can be repeated to reinforce learning.


At this time Intuto includes 49 courses based on the following topics:

  • Adverse childhood experiences
  • Assessing growth and nutrition
  • Breastfeeding
  • Care of the unwell child
  • Family violence
  • Foundations of Well Child Tamariki Ora practice
  • Head to toe assessment
  • Hearing assessment
  • Infant and child development
  • Maternal mental health
  • Parents Evaluation of development Status (PEDS)
  • Smokefree facilitation
  • Vision assessments


Accessing Intuto:

Please contact your WCTO Team leader/Manager to access the registration link and information to access Intuto.


Whitireia: Postgraduate Certificate in Primary Health Care Specialty Nursing

Whitireia: Postgraduate Certificate in Primary Health Care Specialty Nursing

This programme is for registered nurses, working in community and primary health, to gain a postgraduate qualification that advances your specialty knowledge in Well Child/Tamariki Ora Nursing. This programme is delivered in partnership with Whānau Ᾱwhina Plunket (Plunket). Credits may be gained towards Master’s study.


Information about the Postgraduate Certificate in Primary Health Care Specialty Nursing on the Whitireia website

Whitireia: New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing, Social and Community Services

Whitireia: New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing, Social and Community Services

Become a community health worker in well child tamariki ora. Develop skills in building relationships, leadership and cultural inclusivity. This qualification is for those working in the industry and is delivered in partnership with Plunket.


Information about the New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing, Social and Community Services on the Whitireia website

Health Navigator: Continuing professional development for clinicians

Health Navigator: Continuing professional development for clinicians

Here you find a range of resources for continuing professional development for clinicians.


Information about continuing professional development for clinicians on the Health Navigator website

New Zealand Nursing Organisation

New Zealand Nursing Organisation

The New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) conducts research, providing evidence that informs and strengthens the activities and leadership of NZNO.


Information about the New Zealand Nursing Organisation

Learn online – Learning resources for health professionals

Learn online – Learning resources for health professionals

This site provides professional education and training for Health Professionals in New Zealand. These courses and resources are provided free by the Ministry of Health.


Free online learning on specific topics including:

  • SUDI
  • Cultural competency
  • Alcohol
  • Shaken baby prevention
  • B4SC Training including oral health, PEDS and SDQ
  • Smoking cessation
  • Health quality and safety
  • Immunisation


Information about Learn Online

Te Rau Ora

Te Rau Ora

To improve Māori Health through leadership, education, research and evaluation, health workforce development and innovative, systemic transformation. We strengthen Māori health and wellbeing through nationally navigated and locally led solutions.


Information about Te Rau Ora

Office of the Privacy Commission

Office of the Privacy Commission

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner (OPC) works to develop and promote a culture in which personal information is protected and respected.


Information about the Office of the Privacy Commission

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD)

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD)

At eCALD, our vision is to enhance culturally and linguistically diverse cultural competence through the provision of courses and resources for the New Zealand health workforce, for better client/patient outcomes and experience.


Information about Culturally and Linguistically Diverse