Te Aka Whai Ora is investing $4 million over the next two years to provide training and development opportunities grounded in te ao Māori and mātauranga Māori to over 11,000 health workers. 

Te Kurahuna specialises in in-person and online training to support the development and growth of our clinical and non-clinical health workforce to become Mataora, or agents of change, in the health system. 

Mahi a Atua is all about using indigenous knowledge systems as a basis for making change and addressing inequity in all systems including healthcare.  

The training includes exploring the impacts on healthcare in relation to inequity, using traditional narratives and creation stories to debate ideas about knowledge, values, and language, and encouraging participants to explore their response to our whānau Māori when they are using our health system. This kaupapa will also have supervision for our kaimahi to further support their journey and grow confidence in their engagement and success working with all of our whānau within in the healthcare system. 

Kingi Kiriona, Deputy Chief Executive – Mātauranga Māori, says it is exciting to see Mahi a Atua training is now underway and available to our health workforce. 

“This investment will help thousands of kaimahi gain the skills and support they need to become Mataora in the health system and bring change to improve the health outcomes for Māori. 

“Having healthcare workers, who deeply understand Māori values, tikanga, and traditional healing practices, will see more culturally safe healthcare, collective relationships and alliances, and more holistic and effective healthcare methods. 

“The funding is aligned with our goals set out in Te Pae Tata Interim New Zealand Health Plan to create an inclusive health workforce that can better respond to the community that it serves.”  

In 2023, Te Kurahuna offers three programmes to health workers: 

  • Rangi Matauru - a 16-week online programme
  • Rangi Parauri - an online and a-tinana or in-person programme that provides intensive training to tauira in four phases over six weeks 
  • Rangi Mātāwai - a refresher course for tauira who have already participated in Rangi Matauru or Rangi Parauri.  

In 2024, Te Kurahuna will extend its programme to include Mata Kaurū, an intensive 12-month leadership and supervision training for kaimahi. 

These trainings are fully funded for participants, excluding any transport or accommodation costs required for wānanga. 

Te Aka Whai Ora investment into Te Kurahuna – Mahi a Atua aligns with the Health Workforce Plan recently announced by the Government, which outlines the current challenges facing New Zealand’s health workforce and the opportunities to address them now and in the future. 

More information, including how to register and participate in Mahi a Atua training, is available here.