On Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Awareness Day, Te Aka Whai Ora is pleased to announce a $1.4 million investment to increase support for whānau affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). 

Te Aka Whai Ora Maiaka Hapori Deputy Chief Executive, Public and Population Health, Selah Hart recognises how difficult it is for whānau who are dealing with FASD and the lack of services that are available to support them.   

“It is unacceptable that our whānau in our communities continue to bear the brunt of FASD-related health challenges,” said Selah.  

“Te Aka Whai Ora is responding to the wero and need for more services that are tailored to the needs of whānau.”    

The allocated funding stems from the 2023-2024 Alcohol Levy, which draws funds from the sale of alcohol produced or imported for sale in Aotearoa. This levy seeks to recuperate a portion of the expenses incurred in addressing the consequences of alcohol-related harm.  The alcohol levy currently generates about $11.5 million annually.  

Te Aka Whai Ora is working in partnership with Te Whatu Ora and Manatū Hauora to allocate the alcohol levy across both agency-led and community-led programmes to address alcohol-related harm, particularly to see more investment in initiatives to support iwi, hapū, hapori and whānau.  

In the coming months, Te Aka Whai Ora intends to work closely with FASD Taumata Rōpū and  hauora Māori partners to ensure the effective utilisation of the investment.  

“Our aim is to direct these funds toward community-based services and initiatives that can have the greatest positive impact for whānau,” said Selah.