Progress on second phase of localities

The Health Reform Transition Unit and interim entity Health New Zealand have begun planning for the second phase of localities. 

A locality is a geographic area that makes sense to the people that live there. As a mechanism within the health system, it will support integrated care and enable services to be planned to address the needs of people within the locality. It’s a key feature of the future health system, ensuring a local approach to planning and delivering health services.

The first phase in the rollout involves establishing prototypes of the locality concept.

A long list of areas where prototypes may be established was confirmed in December

Helen Parker, Co-Director, Localities, said they were working with long-listed areas, and planning for the second phase.

“We’re taking a phased approach to introducing localities and we’re starting to look at areas that could be included in the second phase of the rollout. We’re expecting the second phase of localities to be confirmed in late 2022,” Helen said.

“We’re also developing the elements that need to be put in place in the background to support localities, such as a national collaboration to capture and share lessons as localities are rolled out.”

Helen said they are expecting proposals for the prototypes within the first phase to be submitted by 18 February, and would likely confirm the prototype areas in March or April.

“Over the next few weeks we will be checking in with these areas to discuss any further questions about the process for submitting a proposal to become a locality,” Helen said.

“We’re looking forward to seeing proposals that have been developed collaboratively with mana whenua partners, primary and community care providers and supported by District Health Boards.”