Joint release | Te Whatu Ora, Te Aka Whai Ora

Te Whatu ora and Te Aka Whai Ora welcome the Minister of Health Dr Shane Reti’s announcement today of a suite of tools and funding that will help lift not only Māori immunisation rates but the immunisation rates of all babies in Aotearoa.

Te Whatu Ora National Public Health Service Director Dr Nick Chamberlain says, “The Minister announced two new digital products that will enable our health professionals to better manage immunisations by identifying who is most in need. My Health Record, which will enable people to check their own immunisation records, and the expansion of the Aotearoa Immunisation Register (AIR), which will help to support vaccination outreach activity across the country.”

My Health Record  gives New Zealanders another option to access their own health records. The first phase allows people to check their immunisation records, and additional information will be added in the coming months. The app builds on the technology developed for COVID-19 by re-using and redeveloping the existing My Covid Record platform to create a more comprehensive personal health record.

Dr Chamberlain says, “My Health Record will give people the choice of having free access to their personal health information, complementing the information available through other platforms like GP patient portals.

“People can now view their immunisation records and their child’s records dating back to 2005 when immunisations were first recorded centrally. Over time the information in My Health Record will expand to further health information, such as lab test results.”

The 3.5 million people who set up a My Health Account to use My Covid Record can now use their My Health Account login to use My Health Record. Others can sign up at

Te Aka Whai Ora Deputy Chief Executive Public and Population Health, Selah Hart says, “The expanded Aotearoa Immunisation Register will allow health providers and vaccinators to view gaps in a person’s immunisation history and allow them to offer any needed vaccinations on the spot, both through existing GP connections and our vaccinator portal.

“Data from AIR will also help us to identify whānau who are most in need of outreach support and send out mobile teams or set up community events. Equally, if there is an outbreak of a vaccine-preventable disease, such as measles, we will be able to get a more accurate picture of vaccination coverage across the motu, so we can assess the public health risk regionally.

Vaccination providers have access to the AIR either via their existing Patient Management System or the AIR Vaccinator Portal. This reduces the need for manual rework and increases the time available to focus on reaching out to whānau about vaccinations.  

The Minister of Health also announced a $50 million package for hauora partners over two years to help lift Māori immunisation rates.

“Lifting the immunisation rates particularly for Māori babies and children is one of our top priorities,” says Dr Chamberlain.

Of the $50 million over two years, $30 million will go to Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency providers to work with those most at risk – pēpi, hāpu māma, and also kaumātua. An additional $10 million will go to North Island partners and $10 million to South Island partners.  

“This response, coupled with funding allocated to our Pacific partners earlier this year signal a significant step towards reaching the national target of 95% of all children in Aotearoa, fully vaccinated, regardless of their ethnicity.”