The interim Māori Health Authority will shortly carry out a further round of engagements to discuss and agree Iwi Māori Partnership Board powers and functions in the future health system. This series of virtual hui will take place through November and December and will include the current Māori Relationship Boards, iwi and hapū authorities, and Māori community and representative organisations.

“The Māori Health Authority will work with Māori communities, whānau, hapū and Iwi to establish the Iwi Māori Partnership Boards. The IMPBs will act for the communities they represent and bring the voice of whānau forward” says Tipa Mahuta, Co-Chair of the interim Māori Health Authority. It is envisaged that the core functions of Iwi Māori Partnership Boards to be considered will include:

  1. engaging with whānau and hapū, and sharing the resulting insights and perspectives with Health NZ, the Māori Health Authority, and the wider health system
  2. assessing and evaluating the current state of hauora Māori in their locality or localities, and to determine priorities for improving hauora Māori
  3. to agree locality priorities and plans with Health NZ and the Māori Health Authority
  4. monitoring the performance of the health system in their locality or localities, including against the locality plan
  5. reporting on their own activities to whānau and hāpori Māori, and other relevant partners.

“The Māori Health Authority and Iwi Māori Partnership Boards represent a new way of working to shape the future health system. Our collective challenge is to influence the new system in a way that sustains change, achieves equity of outcomes, and elevates the voice of whānau to be direction-setters not just service users” says Sharon Shea, Co-Chair of the interim Māori Health Authority board.

Following these virtual hui, the Minister of Health will report back to Cabinet with recommendations on how Iwi Māori Partnership Boards are ultimately reflected in legislation.