Progress on second phase of localities

A significant milestone in the health reform mahi has been marked with new chief executives taking the reins at the interim Māori Health Authority and interim Health New Zealand.

Hon Peeni Henare and Hon Aupito William Sio joined leaders and staff from the Transition Unit, Ministry of Health and the new health agencies in welcoming Riana Manuel, CE interim Māori Health Authority, and Fepulea’i Margie Apa, CE interim Health New Zealand, to their new roles.

Speakers at the official welcome included Minister Sio, Justice Joe Williams, Fa’amatuainu Tino Pereira, Muru Maipi along with interim Māori Health Authority Board Co-chairs Sharon Shea and Tipa Mahuta, and interim Health New Zealand Chair Rob Campbell.

The speakers expressed confidence in the ability of the new leaders to steer the waka of Health New Zealand and the Māori Health Authority with agility and partnership. 

Minister Sio offered his blessing to the new chief executives on behalf of all those working to improve inequities for Māori and Pacific peoples. Along with Justice Joe Williams and interim Health New Zealand Chair Rob Campbell, Minister Sio also emphasised that the whole health system is behind their leaders.

Co-Chair of the interim Māori Health Authority Sharon Shea spoke of their extensive search for the type of visionary leadership needed to take on the challenges the new organisations face, and the strengths that Ms Manuel and Fepulea’i Margie Apa bring to their roles.

Both chief executives expressed their commitment to meeting the challenges ahead and realising the aspirations of their tīpuna in delivering equity for all in the new health system.