Te Aka Whai Ora is investing $400,000 in TIRIWĀ, a holistic hauora information and referral hub designed to connect whānau in Canterbury with healthcare, including mātauranga Māori solutions, that best suit their needs. 

TIRIWĀ, developed by Ti Wana Solutions Limited, will encompass a digital platform and an Ōtautahi-based team of kaimahi. Together, they will serve as a one-stop-shop for whānau and healthcare providers to find information and receive support, online or in-person. 

The digital platform will include an interactive, colour-coded ‘Hauora Māori Information and Service Map’ which will highlight mainstream healthcare, social services and hauora Māori solutions available locally. It will also include up-to-date information about providers, such as whether they are taking enrolments, any subsidies available, and whether payment is required in full at the time of the appointment.   

A team of skilled kaimahi will be available to respond to online chat requests, phone calls, and in-person appointments. They will be equipped to provide comprehensive holistic health assessments to assist whānau in identifying their needs and navigating their healthcare journey. 

TIRIWĀ will also provide information to whānau about their healthcare rights, the process they will go through when visiting a provider, and any questions they may wish to ask, so that they can be their own healthcare advocate. 

For whānau who prefer not to use the digital platform, kanohi-ki-te-kanohi services will be offered in their homes. 

Kingi Kiriona, Deputy Chief Executive – Mātauranga Māori for Te Aka Whai Ora, says TIRIWĀ will empower and uplift whānau by increasing their knowledge and understanding of how to access culturally responsive healthcare.  

“TIRIWĀ will allow whānau to easily see what kaupapa Māori healthcare solutions are available in their area, increasing accessibility and allowing them to make informed decisions and be self-determining about the healthcare they receive.”