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Home, Health New Zealand.
Te Whatu Ora
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Corporate information
Health services and programmes
For health professionals
For health providers
For New Zealanders
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Cyber security training
Waharua Kōpito
Corporate information
About us
About us
Our leadership and teams are at the forefront of advancing healthcare for all New Zealanders.
Whatu Tāniko
Our values and principles
Te Mauri o Rongo - The New Zealand Health Charter is the foundation for how we provide healthcare that meets the needs of all people in New Zealand.
Achieving equity
We all need to understand what equity means for health and wellness so we can work together to reach that goal.
Our whakapapa
Te Whatu Ora is ‘the weaving of wellness’. We're dedicated to ensuring excellent healthcare for the people of New Zealand.
Our leadership and structure
Our expert leaders navigate the complexities of healthcare, ensuring comprehensive solutions for the needs of our diverse population.
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora provides public health services for New Zealanders at a national, regional and local level.
Expert groups
Our expert groups provide leadership in key health areas, and advise on and monitor complex heathcare services across New Zealand.
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About us
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News and updates
Our health system
Planning and performance