Our website is down for maintenance
We apologise for the inconvenience and will be back up and running as soon as possible.
In the meantime, you can direct any urgent queries to:
Media enquiries
- For media enquiries, email hnzmedia@health.govt.nz.
Personal or health information requests
You have the right to request access to your personal or health information, and to change it if it is wrong.
- To request your personal health information please complete a Health Information Request Form and email it to hnzprivacy@health.govt.nz.
- To request any other personal information please email hnzprivacy@health.govt.nz with your name, date of birth, contact details, and the details of the information you are looking for.
For more information about getting your information, read this fact sheet:
- Requesting health information fact sheet (PDF, 203KB)
- Download the Health Information Request Form (PDF, 195KB)
Official Information Act requests
- To make an information request, email hnzOIA@health.govt.nz.
- For more details, see our Official Information Act requests page.
About Aotearoa Immunisation Register (AIR)
For support with AIR please contact air.engagement@tewhatuora.govt.nz
COVID-19 questions
For COVID-19 health advice and information, call the COVID-19 Healthline for free on 0800 358 5453 or on +64 9 358 5453 if you have an international SIM card in your phone.
You can also call Healthline on 0800 611 116 at any time.
A dedicated COVID-19 disability helpline is also available. Call free on 0800 11 12 13 or text 8988 at any time.
Health Integrity Line
You can call the Health Integrity Line on 0800 424 888 at any time for free to report concerns about the health system, such as:
- inappropriate use of public money
- inappropriate use of technology
- workplace bullying or harassment
- theft
- drug use
Your call won’t be traced or recorded, and it will remain anonymous. All calls are passed on to the appropriate team or agency to follow up.
Employees in the health sector
You will be informed of your rights under the Protected Disclosures Act 2000 (known as the ‘Whistle-blower Act’) if you call to report serious misconduct.
Additional ways to express your concerns:
- Talk to your manager or another senior manager.
- File a report online.
Crimestoppers is an independent charity that runs the Health Integrity Line.
Contacting specific teams
Phone numbers and email addresses for specific Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand teams are listed below.
The postal address for all our teams is:
Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand
PO Box 793
Wellington, 6140
Environmental and Border Health
- Phone (04) 496 2000
- Email info@health.govt.nz
Health Workforce
- Phone (04) 496 2000
Sector Operations
- Phone 0800 855 066
Voluntary Bonding Scheme
Email: vbs@health.govt.nz
PRIMHD – mental health data
Contact details for the PRIMHD regional coordinators:
- Phone: (09) 638 0133
- Email: ros.coulter@nra.health.nz
Midland - Waikato
- Phone: (07) 839 8899 ext 23381
- Email: antoinette.woodcock@waikatodhb.health.nz
Midland Taranaki
- Phone: (06) 753 6139 ext 8815
- Email: graham.donlon@tdhb.org.nz
Central - Wairarapa, Hutt Valley, Capital & Coast
- Email: MHAIDSBusinessSystemsTeam@MHAIDS.health.nz
Central – Hawke’s Bay
- Phone: (06) 878 8109 ext 4226
- Email: John.Conneely@hawkesbaydhb.govt.nz
Central – Whanganui
- Phone: (06) 348 3163
- Email: Perryne.Brasko@wdhb.org.nz
Central – Midcentral
- Phone: (06) 350 8620
- Email: Claudine.Nepia-Tule@midcentraldhb.govt.nz
Southern – Nelson/Marlborough
- Phone: 022 013 3613
- Email: DataAnalyticsTeam@nmdhb.govt.nz
Southern – Canterbury
- Phone: (03) 364 4127
- Email: Soledad.Labbe-hubbard@cdhb.health.nz
Southern – Southern
- Phone: (03) 214 5786 option 1 ext 8384
- Email: Darren.Smith@southerndhb.govt.nz
Other specific queries
Aotearoa Immunisation Register
Artificial Aids
- Phone: 0800 855 066
- Email: customerservice@health.govt.nz
Carer Support
- Phone: 0800 855 066
- Email: customerservice@health.govt.nz
Eligibility for healthcare
- Phone: 0800 855 066
- Email: eligibility@health.govt.nz
High Use Health Card
- Phone: 0800 855 066
- Email: customerservice@health.govt.nz
National Travel Assistance (NTA)
- Phone: 0800 855 066
- Email: claimsmanagement@health.govt.nz
Primary Healthcare Organisation Enrolments (PHO)
- Phone: 0800 855 066
- Email: customerservice@health.govt.nz
Follow us on social media
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tewhatuora
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeWhatuOra
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tewhatuora
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeWhatuOra